Image of a commercial truck repair parking lots with several black semi trucks waiting for repair or maintenance.

Commercial Truck Repair

Your Partner Commercial Truck Repair

A regular mechanic might be fine for smaller sedans, SUVs, and trucks, but commercial vehicles require a special touch. At M&L, medium and heavy-duty commercial truck repair is our specialty. Our team is trained to handle everything from engine replacements to oil changes in even the largest of vehicles.

Trust The Experts

Consider this: the average car weighs around 4,000 pounds, while the average commercial truck can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. Since commercial trucks are much heavier and larger than conventionally sized vehicles, it takes a special license and training to drive one. We believe it also takes a special mechanic to properly maintain a heavy duty vehicle. Our ASE certified experts are ready to handle all of your largest commercial truck repairs!

Image of a semi truck driver's hands on the wheel while driving, to demonstrate safe driving.

Stay Safe on the Road

As a result of their size, medium and heavy-duty vehicles are more prone to slow stops, rolling over, and losing control on sharp turns and steep hills. It is crucial for a big rig’s brakes, engine, transmission, and other important parts to be in tip-top shape. Routine commercial truck repair and service helps keep you and everyone else on the road safe.

Serving Our Community

Commercial trucks carry a variety of goods, such as food, retail products, and construction materials that supply everyday life. Vital service vehicles such as fire engines, ambulances, and school buses always need to be performing their best to save and protect lives. High quality commercial truck repair is our passion, because we know how important these vehicles are.

Image of two men, one with a clipboard, posing in front of a fleet of white semi trucks awaiting fleet maintenance or commercial truck repair.

Ideal for Businesses

Commercial truck repairs for a business fleet can be costly and daunting, especially with inexperienced mechanics. At M&L, many of our team members have over 30 years of experience specifically in commercial truck repair. We are dedicated to providing you and your business with the highest standard of customer service, quality parts, and impeccable service.

Your Medium and Heavy-Duty Specialists

We understand how important reliability is. Careers that depend on medium and heavy-duty vehicles also depend on a mechanic who knows how to best serve their customer. Our team of dedicated experts is ready to tackle your commercial truck repair and keep you rolling.